Why doesn’t eCOPS take my insurance payment?
A – Taking insurances creates a permanent record of services provided and may have a negative impact on life insurance applications; future health insurance premiums; employment opportunities and promotions. Additionally, managed care systems frequently require a lengthy wait to receive authorizations for services and frequently limit the number of sessions.
Who is eligible for services with eCOPS?
A – Anyone needing assistance with any mental health issues is eligible. eCOPS specializes in trauma, anxiety and depression and has had many years of working with law enforcement, combat veterans and their families residing in Florida or Maine.
Where is the office located for eCOPS?
A – In your Living room, office, or other private space where you can access a computer or phone. All services are provided via internet, video conferencing, and/or phone.
When can I schedule an appointment?
A – All appointments are scheduled at a mutually agreed upon time between you and Dale via our scheduling link on our website or by calling and leaving a message for a call back at 207-458-3790. Appointments may be scheduled for some nights and weekends if necessary.
How is payment arranged for services?
A – Sessions with Dale are negotiated in 6-session increments once a week, twice a month or every 3 weeks by mutual agreement with what works for you. All sessions are prepaid at the rate of $100 per 50 minute session using the payment link on our website